So the concept came from an old Writing prompt that I saw originally on Tumblr of all places. The concept was the world lived on the backs of giant turtles and then the community had a field day creating art for it. 

Well I wanted to take a crack at it and bring it to a video game in a wave based survival game. Except I had a few complications come up which prevented me to completing it. So in its current state, it is pretty much unplayable. You can search around the world, eat resources but as soon as night comes, the enemies do not take damage from the weapons and you just die. I will hopefully have time in the next few days to resolve that issue but in it's current state, it is unplayable . Sorry everyone!

I was able to complete a lot of the bugs and implement some end game content that was hidden due to time constraints. As part of the rules is that we can do bug fixes and hot patches, so I did so to make it functional with a touch of polish because some things were not looking good enough for my standards. But combat now functions, you can now build and see what is built and how that impacts the appearance of the tortoise and more! Once the jam ends is when I will implement sound, music and animations for the lovely tortoise and monstrous cubes!

Anyway, feel free to take a play of the browser version as that should be fine! If there are issues, let me know and if you want to see what I originally submitted to the jam, the zip folder should still be visible in downloads along with the updated version that has all of the fixes. 


Turning Left and Right consumes no stamina

You can run out of ammo

Wood and Stone has the same spawn rates but different spawn conditions... 


W/S - Move Forwards/backwards

A/D - Turn left/right

Left Click - Fire Arrow

Space Bar - Eat resources, head must be near it. 


When crafting, it is not uncommon to see your resources for whatever reason going to max capacity, I do not know why that happens but I will get on that. 

Updated 20 days ago
Published 22 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags3D, Low-poly


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